Brill’s New Pauly Supplements I - Volume 2 : Dictionary of Greek and Latin Authors and Texts

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Edited by: Manfred Landfester

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The Dictionary of Greek and Latin Authors and Texts gives a clear overview of authors and Major Works of Greek and Latin literature, and their history in written tradition, from Late Antiquity until present: papyri, manuscripts, Scholia, early and contemporary authoritative editions, translations and comments.

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Palladius, Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus

(588 words)

Author(s): Landfester, Manfred
ca. AD 400; Roman agrarian writer. Works Differences in topic and form have frequently led to splitting the text of the 15 books into three separate works: Opus agriculturae ( On Agriculture, books 1–13); De veterinaria medicina (On Vetinary Medicine, book 14); Carmen de insitione ( On Fruit Trees, book 15). Manuscripts More than 100 manuscripts from the 9th to 16th cent. confirm the wide dissemination of the work. The three parts of the work with their differences in topic and form have a different history of transmission, thus supporting the su…

Panegyrici Latini

(1,002 words)

Author(s): Pausch, Dennis
Eleven panegyric orations on Roman emperors delivered in Gallia between AD 289 and 389. Some of the orators are known by name (e.g. Latinius Pacatus Drepanius, Claudius Mamertinus, Nazarius, Eumenius); as a model, a speech of thanks by Plinius [2] the Younger of AD 100 to Trajan that was soon published by Pliny himself was added at the front of the collection. Works Panegyric speeches, delivered by different orators, on different occasions, to the emperor of the day; only parts of the Panegyricus by Plinius [2], added to the collection to serve as an example, are also indepen…

Pappus of Alexandria

(244 words)

Author(s): Landfester, Manfred
active in the first half of the 4th cent. AD in Alexandria; Greek mathematician. Works Synagògḗ, the most important of his works, is largely extant. Some has been transmitted in Arabic. This collection is of great value for the history of Greek mathematics, because it reports on the results of other works since lost. Works Greek Title Latin Title English Title Dating Brief Description 1 Συναγωγή/Synagōgḗ Collectio Collection Collection of the conclusions of older mathematical scholars (theorems) in 8 bks.; bk. 1 is completely lost; bk. 2 is partially lost Manuscripts Name / Number Dating…

Paradoxographoi (Paradoxographers)

(1,727 words)

Author(s): OB
This modern collective term is used to describe a group of ancient authors and works on unusual or miraculous phenomena (Greek parádoxa or thaumásia, Latin mirabilia) in nature and in the human world, sometimes with mythological echoes: collections of rare or miraculous objects, creatures, events, customs (in geographical and topical order) compiled from historical, ethnographical, geographical, and botanical works, generally mentioning the names of the respective authors. Callimachus [3] of Cyrene is generally regarded as the founder o…

Paulus of Aegina

(192 words)

Author(s): Landfester, Manfred
6th cent. AD; Greek physician. Works Last medical encyclopaedia of Antiquity; widely disseminated in the Renaissance in Latin translations, particularly partial translations. Works Greek Title Latin Title English Title Dating Brief Description 1 Συναγωγαὶ ἰατρικαί / Synagōgaì iatrikaí Collectiones medicae Medical Compendium 6th cent. AD 7 bks. Early editions Editor Selection / Vols. Place / Series Year Content / Notable Features 1 Francesco d’Asola Aldina 1528 Ed. princ. 2 Hieronymus Gemusaeus Basel 1538 Modern editions (complete works) Editor Selection / Vols. Place / Series Y…

Pausanias, the Periegete

(520 words)

Author(s): Frateantonio, Christa
ca. AD 130–180; known as a Greek travel writer. Works Only one work is extant under the name of Pausanias, entitled Description of Greece. Manuscripts The work is transmitted in 24 manuscripts, none of them are older than the 15th cent.; they can be divided into three categories. Translations A Latin translation of the Greek edition was published. Works Greek Title Latin Title English Title Dating Brief Description 1 Περιήγησις τῆς Ἑλλάδος/Periḗgēsis tês Helládos Graeciae descriptio Description of Greece ca. 161–180 Interpretative description of Greece in 10 bks.; in regiona…

Pedanius Dioscorides

(354 words)

Author(s): Landfester, Manfred
b. in Cilicia; 1st cent. AD; Greek pharmacologist. Works On Medical Matters was the standard pharmacological reference work in Antiquity; it was translated both in Antiquity and in the Middle Ages. The 5th cent. translation into Vulgar Latin that was later revised in the 11th cent. served as the basis for pharmacological instruction in medieval universities. From the 9th cent. onwards, there were also several translations from Greek into Arabic. Manuscripts The text is transmitted in several recensions (with illustrations). In addition to the original systematic ed…

Pelagonius Saloninus

(312 words)

Author(s): Fischer, Klaus-Dietrich
active around the middle of the 4th cent. AD; his epithet seems to indicate that he hailed from Salonae in Dalmatia; probably a Roman veterinarian. Works Oldest extant work on hippiatric medicine, written in Latin. The epistolary form, and to a certain extent the content, were copied from the Greek veterinarian Apsyrtus [2] (2nd/3rd cent.?). In his Digesta artis mulomedicinalis, Vegetius used Pelagonius treatise as his second most important source after Mulomedicina Chironis. In Late Antiquity, Pelagonius’ work was also translated into Greek, and included in the anthology of

Persius (Aulus Persius Flaccus)

(1,137 words)

Author(s): Landfester, Manfred
b. 4 December AD 34 in Volaterrae (Etruria); d. 24 November AD 62 in Rome; important Roman satirical poet alongside Lucilius [I 6] , Horatius [7] (Horace) and Iuvenalis . Works Six satires are extant, in the spirit of Stoic philosophy (with a total of 650 verses; the 6th satire is fragmentary). In addition, 14 choliambs are transmitted at the opening or end of the manuscripts; these are generally regarded as introductory poems. According to the early medieval biography, which itself was based on ancient sources, the lyric poe…

Petronius Niger (Arbiter), Publius

(1,033 words)

Author(s): Landfester, Manfred
d. AD 66 by suicide; Roman novelist. Works The author Petronius as portrayed by Tacitus [1] ( Annales 16,18–19) is now generally attributed with the excerpts of a Latin novel, transmitted under the title of Satyricon (Σατυρικῶν/ Satyricṓn libri = Satyrica). The size of the original work must have far exceeded that of the extant fragments. According to its literary form, it is a mixture of prose and verse passages. Their parodistic-satirical function is obvious. The episodic structure of the story, characterized by individual separat…